The following should be said with a slight British accent, at least that is the voice I am hearing while typing it. Sort of like a British voice over for a grade C documentary on the Food Friends Network. (Don’t look for it, I made it up.)
This post is dedicated to my new friend JoAnn who, after a chance comment from me about introducing my son to fried bologna sandwiches, created quite the stir amongst her Facebook friends. It was an almost cult like reaction to the mention of this long lost comfort food from a simpler time. A craving to revisit those smells and tastes of childhood. True, it doesn’t fit in with today’s food aesthetic and I won’t be offering it again anytime soon, but the longing it stirred in the hearts of those that were reminded of those crispy edges, bubbly centers and that over all oily sheen was something to behold.
It got me thinking, what other foods hold that same mystical power: macaroni and cheese, corn dogs, Lucky Charms, and then I remembered one oft maligned treat that I thought deserved some time in the sun. Whether it is in its purest form with a pink coat or dressed for the seasons in winter white, spring yellow and lavender, St. Patrick’s Day green and, I believe but don’t quote me, Valentine’s Day red, the Hostess SnoBall has stood the test of time. With all its preservatives that was a forgone conclusion but I digress. I don’t have the words to describe its taste or aftertaste for that matter, and there seems to be a slight coating left on the roof of your mouth hours after you have ingested its overly sweet goodness. Um… it makes for great photos! See for yourself.
What foods do you remember with an almost obsessive fondness?
(In pursuit of full disclosure, I was looking for Ding Dongs but I couldn’t find them. The Snoballs were running a close second. Do they even make Ding Dongs anymore?)
Have a great weekend. May 14th
You are a REMARKABLE PHOTOGRAPHER AND FABULOUS BLOGGER/WRITER!!! I just love this blog and thank you so much for the dedication! Truly LOVED it!!! <3 -Jo